Slidin' home
Innhold: Mood indigo ; Green chimneys ; It don't mean a thing ; Do nothin' till you hear from me ; Jolly jume jumey (Wycliffe II) ; New awlins' ; Amazing grace ; St. Louis blues ; What?! ; Blooz...first thaingh 'dis moanin' ; The 'halleluja' shout ; Beauti's in the eye ; My God. Utøvere: Wycliffe Gordon, trombone, tuba ; Victor Goines, tenor-sax, clarinet ; Eric Reed, piano ; Rodney Whitaker, bass, Herlin Riley, drums
Flere opplysninger
- Medvirkende
- Goines, Victor (eks.)
- Reed, Victor (eks.)
- Riley, Herlin (eks.)
- Whitaker, Rodney (eks.)
- Medium
- cd-plate
Eksemplarer til utlån
Bibliotek | Avdeling | Plassering | Status |
Asker | Musikkavdelingen | jazz | Ledig |