French drama co-written and directed by Hélène Angel. The film follows Florence (Sara Forestier), a devoted primary school teacher and single mother struggling to juggle her responsibilities as a teacher and a parent. Willing to do anything to help her students, Florence faces her biggest challenge yet when troubled student Sacha (Ghillas Bendjoudi) is transferred to her class from a different school.Sacha's behavioural problems quickly cause conflict within her class, and when the full extent of his unstable and unhappy background emerge, Florence becomes determined to help him turn his life around. However, her efforts to help Sacha begin to have a detrimental effect on her own son Denis (Albert Cousi), who soon starts to feel neglected by the increasing levels of attention his mother is giving to his new classmate.
Flere opplysninger
- Medvirkende
- Angel, Helene (reg.)
- Elbaz, Vincent (sk.)
- Forestier, Sara (sk.)
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